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  64. “Sometimes I’m like, ‘Oh, it’s just going to tank.’ Even my mom says, ‘You need to be careful. You should sell it.’ There’s still that kind of fear of missing out,” Kirchen said. Dogecoin had a rise in popularity over the last week as investors waited to see Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s appearance on “Saturday Night Live.” Musk hinted several times he might make a joke about Dogecoin, which could raise its value. New If you hold Dogecoin as an investment, you’ll be taxed on any capital gains you make when you sell it — which includes spending it on goods and/or services. In the US, tax obligations also apply to mining, professional Dogecoin trading and in a range of other scenarios, so make sure you’re fully aware of what you need to report to the IRS.
    — Obviously these parties have “skin in the game” and these numbers may be too optimistic. However, in March 2020 the prospect of bitcoin reaching US$30,000 seemed impossible. Wherever the price goes from here, the fortunes of the leading cryptocurrency are clearly going to be one of the world’s biggest financial stories in the year ahead. Big Bitcoin investors have the strongest incentives to keep the euphoria going. At the end of 2020, isolated companies began to promote Bitcoin at corporate expense. Some venture capital (VC) firms are also still investing heavily. Despite the ongoing “crypto winter”, VC investments in the crypto and blockchain industry totalled USD 17.9 billion as of mid-July. Indefinitely Bitcoin will rise. Aside from our optimistic Bitcoin price prediction which suggests that BTC will increase over the coming years, historically, Bitcoin’s lows have gotten higher, suggesting an underlying upwards trend.

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    Request ID: 79db494c2bb82313 A simple explainer can be a pretty rare thing in a realm as complicated as the cryptosphere. That’s what we are here to change—one article at a time. ACN 167 203 303. Thanks for helping us keep the bots away. Check the box and let’s get you where you’re going. This depends on the country you are in, but in general the answer is yes, your investments in crypto should be declared. Bitcoin is generally treated as an asset and any income you make is liable for taxation – usually in the form of capital gains tax or income tax. If you are in the UK, there is a full breakdown of the tax liabilities for people trading cryptocurrencies on the gov.uk website. Your job now is to spread the word. Share this post with a friend and send them some bitcoin. For most of us, it’s a neat way to participate in a new economy. But for many around the world, bitcoin is a lifeline to access rights and freedoms we take for granted. Start learning more about the impact cryptocurrency and more importantly, blockchains, are going to have on society to understand why this technology really matters.

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